Advanced Flow and Heat Transfer Laboratory
We strive to unveil the most exciting physics, develop sophisticated scientific theories, and provide innovative technical solutions, supporting the global energy sustainability.
Welcome to the AFHTL! I'm Yue Jin, an Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Missouri and the director of the Advanced Flow and Heat Transfer Lab.
Our research interests span broadly around experimental and theoretical studies of the single- and multi-phase flow, energy transfer, as well as the applications to thermal-hydraulics and safety analysis of advanced power generation systems. Modeling and accurate prediction of these behaviors involved in coexistent phases is challenging, due to the fact that the phenomena of interest often span multiple time- and length-scales, leading to coupled intra- and inter-phase dynamics.
In AFHTL, we are devoted to continue advancing various experimental and numerical tools, including the non-intrusive visualization sensors and imaging systems, the multi-physics multi-scale numerical analysis software.