Here you can checkout some of our featured research works. A complete list of our publications is also provided below
Study of the film boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow interface behavior using image processing
Yue Jin and Koroush Shirvan
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 177, 2021, 121517
In the current study, based on a small-scale quench test facility, the two-phase flow interface behavior during quench transients is visualized and analyzed utilizing an image processing framework. The high-fidelity experimental …
Progress in reflood thermal hydraulics studies in the past 40 years
Bao-Wen Yang, Stephen M Bajorek, Yue Jin, Fan-Bill Cheung
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 376, 2021, 111073
Accurate simulation of reflood transients of a reactor core is one of the top priorities for nuclear reactor thermal–hydraulic and safety analysis. An in-depth understanding of the two-phase flow and heat transfer process ...
Development of a droplet breakup model for dry spacer grid in the dispersed flow film boiling regime during reflood transients
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, K. Shirvan, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien,C.L. Hoxie
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 143, 2019, 118544
The liquid droplet breakup process at the leading edge of a dry spacer grid during reflood transients is studied theoretically based on the experimental observations in the present work ...
Development of a two-phase flow mass quality correlation in the post-dryout DFFB regime during reflood transients
Yue Jin, Fan-Bill Cheung, Stephen M. Bajorek, Kirk Tien, Chris L. Hoxie
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 137, 2019, 1076-1087
A new semi-empirical two-phase flow mass quality correlation was developed for the post-dryout dispersed flow film boiling (DFFB) regime in a 7 × 7 rod bundle geometry. Starting from the fundamental physics describing the two-phase flow in the dispersed droplet flow regime ...
Publication List
Journal/Conference Papers in Progress:
C.S. Mao, Y. Jin, “Evaluation of Convolutional Autoencoder-Based Computer Vision Techniques for Turbulent Flow Pressure Field Prediction,” Journal, 2025.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Numerical Codes Validation of Liquid Droplet Entrainment During Reflood via NRC/PSU RBHT Tests,” Nuclear Technology, 2025.
C.S. Mao, Y. Jin, “Visualization Study of the Micro-Channel Flow and Heat Transfer Behavior within Highly Compact Heat Exchangers,” NURETH-21, August 31–September 5, 2025, Busan, Korea.
C.S. Mao, Y. Jin, “Evaluation of the Machine Learning CHF Model Enhanced COBRA-TF Prediction Performance,” NURETH-21, August 31–September 5, 2025, Busan, Korea.
Y. Jin, A. Ireland, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, F.B. Cheung, “Investigation of the Post-CHF Heat Transfer Modeling based on the Large Scale RBHT Reflood Data Compilation and Assessment,” NURETH-21, August 31–September 5, 2025, Busan, Korea.
Peer Reviewed Journals:
Y. Jin, K. Shirvan, P. Fourspring, “Compact Steam Generator Thermal-Hydraulic Assessment and Mechanics Design,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 428, 2024, 113514.
J. Acierno, E. Merzari, L. Burnett, Y. Jin, E. Baglietto, H. Choi, “Development of a Benchmark for Thermal Striping in Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors,” Nuclear Technology, 210(7), 1223–1244, 2024.
C.S. Mao, Y. Jin, “Uncertainty Quantification Study of the Physics-Informed Machine Learning Models for Critical Heat Flux Prediction,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 170, 2024, 105097.
Yue Jin, Stephen M. Bajorek & Fan-Bill Cheung (2022) Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Transient Reflood Models Using COBRA-TF and Machine Learning Techniques Based on the NRC/PSU RBHT Benchmark, Nuclear Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/00295639.2022.208783
Y. Jin, K. Shirvan, 2021, “Study of the film boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow interface behavior using image processing,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 177, 121517.
Y. Jin, F.R. Beck, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2021, “Development of a New Two-Phase Flow Mass Quality Correlation for Reflood Transients,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 98-108.
B.W. Yang, S.M. Bajorek, Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, 2021, “Progress in Reflood Thermal Hydraulics Studies in the Past 40 Years,” Nuclear Engineering and Design (Special Issue for 40th NURETH Celebration), Vol. 376, 111073.
Y. Jin, K. Shirvan, 2021, “Assessment of Coated Cladding Impact on Large-Break LOCA with TRACE-DAKOTA,” Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 374, 111036.
Y. Jin, W. Xu, K. Shirvan, 2020, “System Code Evaluation of Near-term Accident Tolerant Claddings during Pressurized Water Reactor Station Blackout Accidents,” Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 368, 110814.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, K. Shirvan, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2020, “Development of a New Spacer Grid Pressure Drop Model in Rod Bundle for the Post-Dryout Two-Phase Flow Regime during Reflood Transients,” Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 368, 110815.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, K. Shirvan, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2020, “Numerical Investigation of Rod Bundle Thermal-Hydraulic Behavior during Reflood Transients Using COBRA-TF,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 148, 107708.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, K. Shirvan, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2019, “Development of a Droplet Breakup Model for Dry Spacer Grid in the Dispersed Flow Film Boiling Regime during Reflood Transients,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 143, 118544.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2019, “Development of a Two-phase Flow Mass Quality Correlation in the Post-dryout DFFB Regime during Reflood Transients,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 137, 1076-1087.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2018, “Investigation of the Thermal-Hydraulic Non-Equilibrium in a 7 × 7 Rod Bundle During Reflood,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 127, 266-279.
Y. Jin, D.J. Miller, S.X. Qiao, A. Rau, S. Kim, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2018, “Uncertainty Analysis on Droplet Size Measurement in Dispersed Flow Film Boiling Regime during Reflood Using Image Processing Technique,” Nuclear Engineering and Design. 326, 202-219.
Y. Jin, F.R. Beck, B.R. Lowery, D.J. Miller, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2018, “Experimental Study of Droplet Sizes across a Spacer Grid Location under Various Reflood Conditions,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 94, 246-257.
Jin, Y., Xu, W., Liu, X.J., Cheng, X., 2015, “In- and Ex-Vessel Coupled Analysis of IVR-ERVC Phenomenon for Large Scale PWR,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 80, 322-337.
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings:
C.S. Mao, Y. Jin, “Development of the CNN-Based Computer Vision Method for Pressure Field Reconstruction in Turbulent Channel Flow,” Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2024), November 17–21, 2024, Orlando, FL.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Numerical Codes Validation of Liquid Droplet Entrainment During Reflood via NRC/PSU RBHT Tests,” The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety, Aug. 25-28, 2024, Vancouver, BC Canada.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Evaluation of Physics-Informed Machine Learning Models for Liquid Entrainment during Reflood Transient Using NRC/PSU RBHT Data,” The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety, Aug. 25-28, 2024, Vancouver, BC Canada.
C.S. Mao, Y. Jin, “A Comprehensive Uncertainty Quantification Study of the Conventional and Machine Learning based CHF Models,” Proceedings of ANS Winter Conference and Expo, November 12–15, 2023, Washington D.C. U.S.
Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “VALIDATION OF THE THERMAL-HYDRAULIC MODELS IN COBRA-TF BASED ON THE NRC/PSU RBHT BENCHMARK,” Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20), August 20–25, 2023, Washington, D.C., USA.
E. Baglietto, J. Acierno, A. Manera, Q.M. Nguyen, V. Petrov, M. Pham, Y.J. Wang, Y. Jin, J. Feng, W. Strasser, D. Shaver and E. Merzari, “NEAMS IRP Challenge Problem 2: Thermal Striping of Reactor Internals,” Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20), August 20–25, 2023, Washington, D.C., USA.
Y. Jin, F.B Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Evaluation of the COBRA-TF Flow and Heat Transfer Models Based on the NRC/PSU RBHT Reflood Tests,” 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-13), September 5-10, 2022, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Y. Jin, J.Y. Feng, E. Merzari, H. Choi, E. Baglietto, “A Precursory Investigation of the Turbulent Mixing and Thermal Striping Phenomena in the General Atomics HTGR Upper Plenum,” Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2022), June 12–16, 2022, Anaheim, CA, USA
Y. Jin, A. Seshadri, K. Shirvan, “Visualization of The Two-Phase Flow Quench Behavior Using Image Processing Technique,” 2022 Japan-U.S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, University of Michigan, May, 2022, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Y. Jin, X.G. Zhao, K. Shirvan, “Constructing A New CHF Look-Up Table Based on the Domain Knowledge Informed Machine Learning Methodology,” 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), Mar. 6-11, 2022, Brussels, Belgium
Y. Jin, G.R. Garret, F.B Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Validation of the Sub-Channel Analysis Code COBRA-TF Based on the NRC/PSU RBHT Benchmark Data,” Invited paper for the 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), Mar. 6-11, 2022, Brussels, Belgium
G.R. Garret, Y. Jin, F.B Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Simulation of the RBHT Benchmark Experiments Using TRACE,” Invited paper for the 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), Mar. 6-11, 2022, Brussels, Belgium
Y. Jin, X.G., Zhao, K. Shirvan, “Unified Domain Knowledge Informed Machine Learning Model for CHF Prediction,” ANS Virtual Annual Meeting, Jun 14-16, 2021.
Y. Jin, A. Seshadri, K. Shirvan, “Investigation of the Two-Phase Flow Interface Behavior during Quench based on Advanced Image Processing,” ANS Annual Meeting, Nov 15-19, 2020, Chicago, IL, U.S.
Y. Jin, X. Wu, K. Shirvan, “TRACE Simulation of a BWR Large Break LOCA with Zircaloy and Cr-Coated Cladding,” ANS Annual Meeting, Nov. 17-21, 2019, Washington D.C. U.S.
F.R. Beck, Y. Jin, G. Garrett, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Effect of Fouling on Quenching of Simulated Fuel Rod,” ANS Annual Meeting, June 9-13, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.
G. Garrett, Y. Jin, F.R. Beck, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Steady State Predictions of Reflood Characteristics in a Rod Bundle,” ANS Annual Meeting, June 9-13, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.
G. Garrett, F.R. Beck, Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Effects of Mass Flow Rate, System Pressure, and Inlet Subcooling on Rod Bundle Heat Transfer,” 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Apr. 14-17, 2019, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.
Y. Jin, F.R. Beck, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, “Development of a Two-phase Flow Mass Quality Correlation under Reflood Condition,” Embedded Topical International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2018), Nov. 11-15, Orlando, FL, U.S., 2018.
F. R. Beck, Y. Jin, F.B. Cheung, S. M. Bajorek, K. Tien and C. L. Hoxie, “A Study of Liquid Entrainment in Oscillatory Flows.” Embedded Topical International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2018), Nov. 11-15, Orlando, FL, U.S., 2018.
Y. Jin, L. Mohanta, F.R. Beck, D.J. Miller, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2017, “Investigation of Two-Phase Pressure Drop across a Spacer Grid in the Dispersed Flow Film Boiling Regime,” Proceedings 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17), Xi’an, China.
F.R. Beck, Y. Jin, L. Mohanta, B.R. Lowery, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, F.B. Cheung, 2017, “Effects of Flow Rate, Pressure, and Subcooling on the Droplet Field under Oscillatory Forced Reflood Conditions,” Proceedings 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17), Xi’an, China.
H.F. Kumru, Y. Jin, F.R. Beck, F.B. Cheung, S.M. Bajorek, K. Tien, C.L. Hoxie, 2017, “Effects of Pressure, Subcooling and Spacer Grid on the Minimum Film Boiling Temperature under High Flooding Rate Conditions,” Proceedings 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17), Xi’an, China.
Technical Reports:
B. Lowery, M. Hanson, M. Riley, D. Miller, Y. Jin, I. Lowery, S. Bajorek, FB. Cheung, “Advanced Reflood Thermal Hydraulics for Uncertainty Resolution Program: Reflood and Droplet Measurement at Low Flowrates Task Reporting,” NUREG/CR Report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. (2024).
Y. Jin, K. Shirvan, "Compact Steam Generator Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis and Mechanics Design," Project Report, Naval Nuclear Laboratory, Niskayuna, New York, (2023).
B. Phillips, Y. Jin, X.Y. Liang, K. Shirvan, E. Baglietto, D. Pointer, “CFD Informed Design of Test Section,” NEUP Major Milestone 1, 20-20045, (2021).
F.B. Cheung, F.R. Beck, S.A. Ebrahim, M.K. Hanson, Y. Jin, S.J. Kim, H.T. Kumru, B.R. Lowery, D.J. Miller, L. Mohanta, S.X. Qiao, A. Rau, M.P. Riley, F.A. Sohag, “RBHT Bundle II Data Report,” NUREG/CR Report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. (2018).
F.B. Cheung, F.R. Beck, S.A. Ebrahim, M.K. Hanson, Y. Jin, S.J. Kim, H.T. Kumru, B.R. Lowery, D.J. Miller, L. Mohanta, S.X. Qiao, A. Rau, M.P. Riley, F.A. Sohag, “RBHT Reflood Experimental Data Assessment Report,” NUREG/CR Report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. (2018).
Kim, S.J, Beck, F. R., Cheung, F. B., Jin, Y., Lowery, B. R., et al., “RBHT Bundle I Oscillatory Reflood Experimental Data.” NUREG/CR Report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. (2018).